When you're job hunting, there's a lot of information on the internet that might be useful to you. The following are some resources that I'm sure will help your job search journey.
If you're unemployed or inbetween jobs, but you're not sure what to do next, give me a call for advice or to ask about your CV.
Indeed Jobs board
The worlds largest job site. Jobs, CV advice, company reviews, salary guide and more.
My advice - if you create a CV on Indeed, you will also need a document CV and ideally a Linkedin profile. Be prepared with a CV ready to go and your job search will be much more successful.
LinkedIn - 30109681 followers. Increase your chances of getting noticed online, by letting recruiters know you're available for work.
My advice - get it right - let me help you.
Careers information, advice and guidance. Helping you make decisions at all stages in your career
Dept for work & pensions
Advice for everything work and pension related.
Wealden Volunteering
Help and advice re volunteering - fill in a temporary gap in employment, volunteer alongside your job or find a voluntary role for your retirement.