CV writing prices
Fees depend on the complexity and length of your career and range from £30 for a one-page student CV to £150 for a senior level CV with a complex career history.
You can just have your CV edited, or you have a consultation, whichever suits you best.
All CV services are £40/hour (students £30).
Payment: is required in full, upfront. 10% discount applies if you pay for your new CV on same day as your enquiry.
All CV packages include:
ATS-friendly CV.
Unlimited edits to sign off.
Expert advice - CV, job search & career advice.
Up to 5 working days completion (depending on availability).
Optional extras:
Consultation (usually around one hour).
Linkedin from scratch or optimise £40 (account registration required).
Promo on Linkedin and social media £20
Ongoing CV update £20 (when purchased with CV). £40 at later date.
2 - 5 working day completion guaranteed £40 (subject to availability)
Senior level CV
Senior Manager, CEO or from scratch.
Three roles or more in 10 years, or complex information.
£100 (10% off if paid same day as enquiry)
Manager CV
Up to two roles in the latter 10 years. More than 2 roles Senior level CV applies.
£80 (10% off if paid on day of inquiry)
Standard CV
Shop Assistant or office worker
Up to two roles in the latter 10 years. More than 2 roles Senior level CV applies.
£80 (10% off if paid same day as inquiry)
Next step CV
1-2 years of full-time work history
£60 (10% off if paid in full on day of inquiry).